Environmental Resources

The page contains municipally relevant environmental links.

If you would like to access their local stormwater related ordinances, please follow the following link for Borough general codification & supplementation service, which carries the town’s [storm water related] ordinances, et al: http://clerkshq.com/default.ashx?clientsite=SouthTomsRiver-nj

Suggestions for increasing water quality by reducing non-point source contributions: http://www.cleanwaternj.org/

NJDEP’s emergency hotline: http://www.nj.gov/dep/warndep.htm


Barnegat Bay Estuary Program

The Barnegat Bay Partnership, one of the country’s National Estuary Programs (housed locally at Ocean County College), has recently developed two outstanding educational tools, which we would like to share with your municipality.

The following links are resources for residents:

  1. Jersey-Friendly Yards is an online guide to beautiful, low-maintenance, and eco-friendly landscaping where homeowners will find information about planting native species,reducing use of fertilizers and pesticidesconserving water, and improving overall yard health.  Website features include a searchable Plant Database; information on Invasive Species; an explanation of New Jersey’s Fertilizer Law; how to address Stormwater problems; and much more!

  2. State of the Bay video, which provides viewers with a 12-minute overview of the ecological health of the Barnegat Bay as reported in the Barnegat Bay Partnership’s State of the Bay Report – 2016 (which would also be a great resource to post on your website).

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